Collect your card

Pick up your card from your school or local distribution point.
Beat the Street is a free, fun walking and cycling game which gets children, families and individuals out and about exploring in their local area, having fun and keeping healthy.
Walk, cycle or wheel. Played outdoors in the community, Beat the Street is a free, fun, and safe way to get you moving. That can be walking, cycling to school or work every day, or simply exploring your local area with friends and family.
Pick up your card from your school or local distribution point.
Create a Beat the Street account and register your card
Explore your local area and find Beat Boxes. You can locate them by using our online map, or through the interactive map on our mobile app.
Contactless sensors called Beat Boxes are placed on lamp posts around your area. Find your nearest Beat Box and hover your card until it beeps and flashes. This starts your journey! Walk, cycle or wheel to your next Beat Box to collect points. Visit two Beat Boxes within an hour to collect 10 points for each Beat Box - this is 20 points for your journey. Carry on your journey and score 10 points for each extra Beat Box you visit.
Compete against friends, community groups and schools to win prizes and earn awards. See how they compare on the leaderboards in real time.
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