How to play

Aim of the game

Earn as many points as possible for you and your team by walking, cycling or rolling between Beat Boxes across - .

Set Up

Children aged 11 and under play with a Beat the Street fob, which they will receive directly from their school. Anyone aged 12 and above plays with a Beat the Street fob that can be collected from a local distribution point.

All players over the age of 13 can create an account online, but anyone under 13 will need a parent or carer to do this for them. Parents/carers can then add additional family members to their account via our family management feature. Once an account has been set up, players can connect their fob to their player profile. When you're ready to start, use the Beat Box map to plan your route and get going!

The game in runs from 0.00am on until 7pm on .

Playing the game

  1. Explore your local area, finding Beat Boxes nearest to you on the map.
  2. Hover your fob at the contactless Beat Box until it beeps and flashes.
  3. Visit two Beat Boxes within an hour and collect 10 points for each Beat Box - this is 20 points for the journey.
  4. Carry on your journey and score 10 points for each extra Beat Box you visit.
How to play visual steps, all steps are described in text above
How to play - step by step

Win Beat the Street

The teams at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the game win hundreds of pounds worth of vouchers. There are leaderboards for school & community teams. Highest average and highest points prizes are available.

Registered players can also win weekly Lucky Box prizes and Beat the Street goodies for taking part.

Children can also complete challenges and receive certificates.

Hints & Tips

Create an account and connect your card to join a team, track your points and win prizes. Help your team by getting friends and family to join in the game - further fobs are available through local distribution points.

Play Beat the Street on your way to school or work, or play at weekends.

If more than an hour passes since swiping a Beat Box you will need to start a new journey.

Keep track of your points and team's position on this website.

Follow Beat the Street on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram to find out about extra events, bonus points and even more prizes!

Every week there will be something new so look out for details on the website, social media or sign up to our e-newsletter to keep up to date!


Beat Box - contactless card and fob reader attached to street furniture across your area.

Fob - contactless RFID fob for players to hover against Beat Boxes to score points. The fob needs to be registered online to monitor points and miles, win prizes and join a team.

Lucky Box- draws will take place throughout the game where a swipe on a Beat Box from a registered player will be awarded a prize.

Cheating - driving between Beat Boxes, swiping multiple cards per person (this refers to one person swiping multiple cards ), or using someone else's card constitutes as cheating.

Read our terms and conditions.